Our next Sound Bath is on 1/4/23 at 9:30 focusing on the Anahata or Heart Chakra. Please join us!
Sound Bath Meditations are a combination of restorative yoga, meditation, toning, and sacred sound concert. Sound Meditations slow down your brainwaves and gently guide you into a deep meditative state or altered state of consciousness.
Each week we will focus on having the most peaceful, wonderful, rejuvenating and relaxing time. We also focus on the vibrational frequencies of the different chakras. This week, January 4th at 9:30, we will be exploring the Heart Chakra - The Anahata. Anahata Chakra is the most influential energy center out of the seven chakras - Exploring divinity through pure love. In Sanskrit, Anahata means “unstruck” or “unbeaten”. This signifies an impartial and infinite love allowing a deeper understanding of self and others. It is located in the region of the heart, in the energy center of the chest. It invites you to meditate on the different levels of relationship experiences with an open heart.
Join award-winning composer, musician, educator and Certified Sound Therapist, Gary Posner, as he focuses on the frequencies of the heart chakra and its qualities of Gratitude, Compassion, Kindness and Gentleness. Gary has taught, studied and played music all over the world. He composed music for HBO, Cinemax, ESPN, Court TV, Tru TV, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, and History Channel.
We hope to see you there!